In RE This Sunday 1.10.16

This Sunday our children and youth will be learning about sacred spaces, continuing to learn about memorial rituals, reflecting on the Spirit of Life, learning about Buddhist meditation practices and continuing to plan for an upcoming service.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is David Bradford.

Our Nursery will be open and staffed by Anna Dickinson and Emma Bentley-Hicks.

Spirit Play will hear “A House for God”, a story about sacred spaces.

Teachers: Todd Moe, Eileen Wheeler

Signs of Our Faith will continue to learn how religions and cultures honor death and the memorial rituals of Unitarian Universalism by creating their own memorial to someone they have lost.  Details about this session

Teachers: Susan Powers, Kathy Wyckoff

Toolbox of Faith will be putting their faith into action by creating cards and messages of care for our members and friends who can’t attend church currently or who have had recently experienced a loss or illness. Details about this session

Teachers: Heather Rousell, Ruth Baltus

Building Bridges will be continuing to learn about Buddhism. They will be walking over to the Zen Center at St. Lawrence University to learn about meditation and other Buddhist practices.  Details about this session

Teachers: Relani Prudhomme, Ginger Storey-Welch

Youth Group will be planning their upcoming service and checking out the Humans of New York blogpost and YouTube videos.

Advisors: Julie VanDuyne, David Bradford