How Can We Say “Thank You”?

As the pandemic drags on, we would all like to be able to do something. Do something for those in need. Do something for those who are working hard to care for others during this ongoing, incredibly challenging time.

Here’s our chance!

The Potsdam Interfaith Community (PIC) – and many participating faith communities – are joining together to recognize and give thanks to nursing and environmental services staff at Canton-Potsdam Hospital. It is a simple but meaningful act of kindness – an interfaith effort with and for our neighbors. 

This holiday season our UU congregation is partnering with our Muslim neighbors from the Potsdam Masjid to make and deliver care packages of store-bought treats and homemade cards to the CPH Environmental Services department.

Here’s what it looks like:

  • Facilitated by our Religious Education program and staff, this past Sunday (11/7) children and adults made cards.
  • Goodies will be purchased and packages will be put together in early December for delivery mid-December.

This is where YOU come in!

  • We are seeking donations to purchase care package supplies. Church members and friends are invited to donate $5 or $10 to help brighten these frontline workers’ days. We’re not looking for big gifts from a few people – we’re hoping for a lot of us to show we care!
  • From now through Wednesday, November 17, you can make your donation online through our website or Venmo or by sending cash or a check (memo PIC) to the church office.

If you would like to help out as part of the UU/PIC Team contact the church office (315-386-2498). To learn more about the Potsdam Interfaith Community visit their Facebook page.