History Circle Meeting 9.26.21

Have you ever noticed the small date on our church’s sign? What happened in 1825? 

Have you wondered how our church came to be out here in the North Country wilderness?

Who were the folks who gathered this congregation so many years ago?  

Who were the people who inhabited these lands before the settlers arrived? 

What has our congregation accomplished over the last 200 years? 

How has our congregation affected the very nature of our communities in St. Lawrence County?

What is our connection to St. Lawrence University?

Who have our leaders been over the centuries? 

Why did they choose to devote their time and treasure to this enterprise?

With our bicentennial coming up in 2025, the members of this circle are starting to dig for answers to these and other questions.If you are intrigued by this project, we hope you will be interested in spending some time this year to delve into and preserve our archives, and to research the Universalist movement in the North Country. The information we gather will provide direction to our bicentennial planning and hopefully allow us to create a formal historical record of our movement here.

On September 26, a core circle of searchers will meet to develop a plan to answer these questions… but we’d love to have more searchers! We can use whatever time you can devote to this effort.  For information, please contact the church office with your contact details and we will be in touch.