“Green Light: Driving Together New York!” Campaign Petition

New York currently bars hundreds of thousands of immigrants in our state from obtaining driver’s licenses due to their immigration status. Without access to licenses, many immigrants are unable to purchase, register, and insure their own vehicles. As a result, they face major barriers to meeting the most basic needs of day-to-day life: traveling to work, school, grocery shopping, medical appointments, and places of worship. Out of sheer necessity, many immigrants drive without licenses, putting them at odds with law enforcement, undermining trust between police and immigrant communities, and increasing the risk that a routine traffic stop will result in arrest, detention, or even deportation.

Following the lead of other states, including our neighbors in Connecticut and Vermont, the time has come for New York to expand access to driver’s licenses to allow more immigrant New Yorkers to fully understand traffic laws, pass a road test, and operate registered, inspected, and insured vehicles. Expanded immigrant access to driver’s licenses will reduce the number of uninsured vehicles on the road, thereby lowering insurance premiums for all New York motorists. Moreover, it will allow immigrant families to more fully participate in community life and contribute to economic growth in our state. With New York State currently in the process of redesigning its license policies to comply with the federal REAL ID Act by the 2018 deadline, now is the ideal moment to remove immigration status restrictions for driver’s licenses.

Sign the Petition to support Green Light NY: Driving Together!

You can show your support for equal access to driver’s licenses for all residents of New York State, regardless of immigration status by signing a petition in favor of Green Light NY: Driving Together! at our Social Action table during social hour this Sunday. To sign the petition online, click here. For more information about this campaign or the Workers’ Center of Central New York, click here. Join immigrant communities, advocates, allies, and other stakeholders throughout the state, to urge New York lawmakers to give a green light to driver’s licenses for immigrants in our state!

Relani Prudhomme, Social Action Committee

One thought on ““Green Light: Driving Together New York!” Campaign Petition

  1. Jessica Barbaros says:

    Support this 1000%. Get with the times New York.. this will do nothing but benefit us!

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