Events & Activities


Get Connected!

Church_15Here are just a few ways to get involved and get to know people at the church. Fill out a Getting Connected form or contact a committee chair to learn more or sign on!

Winter Potlucks

During the winter months, hosts hold potlucks in their homes. The Membership and Outreach team recruits hosts and participants and matches up the groups. Hosts supply the main course, guests bring the rest of the meal, and everyone gets a chance to get to know each other in a small group setting. Groups can be set up to include children, or to please folks with vegetarian or other food needs. A wonderful way to meet people you don’t know well!

Everybody’s Birthday

Religious Education throws a birthday party for everyone. We have an annual theme and there are a variety of cakes and all are welcome!

Church PicnicChurch_5

Each June, the Membership and Outreach team coordinates an after-church picnic at Bend in the River Park in Canton. The committee staffs the grills, and others bring salads and desserts, along with outdoor games and/or musical instruments. A fun event for all ages.

Jazz Night and Coffee Bar

A monthly event, listeners are treated to jazz from a changing line-up of local jazz musicians. Coffee bar will include cafe americano, espresso, decaf coffee, various teas, including herbal, and hot chocolate. The event is free and open to the public.

Beyond Our Walls

There are so many ways to live your faith and grow as a Unitarian Universalist beyond what happens at our church. See what happening nationally, regionally and locally every month to feed your spirit and grow your UU identity by visiting the Beyond Our Walls page.

Coffee, Conversation & More

This program provides ongoing opportunities for adults to interact with other UUs on a flexible basis outside of the worship hour. It encourages wider and more inclusive attendance that reflects the diversity of ages and stages of life in our congregation. These Sunday activities allow us all to get to know each other and to bring new folks into the family more quickly. If you’re interested in presenting, please contact Membership and Outreach.

After-Church Lunches

Lunches are held after church on some Sundays. Some are potlucks, others not. Some are fundraisers, others are held in conjunction with a meeting, and others are just for fellowship. All are welcome.

UU 101

This introductory course is intended for those who would like to learn more about the theology and history of the Unitarian Universalist movement and also how our church here in Canton functions. For more information, contact our minister or (315)386-2498.

Games Night

A fun evening (or sometimes afternoon!) of fellowship and playing board games. You can learn a new game or bring your own games. All ages are welcome!

Current Groups

If you’re interested in starting an interest group, email Membership and Outreach.

  • Veggie and Flower Gardeners group

  • Geocaching

  • Science Book Club

  • Men’s group

  • History Circle

  • Sacred Text and Coffee

  • Listening Circles

If you would like to submit a proposal for an event, please click on the button and fill out the form.

Here are some ideas of other activities:

  • Canoe Outings
  • Camping Trips
  • Ice Skating
  • Chili Cook-off
  • Services Auction
  • Movie Nights
  • Mystery Theatre
  • Highway Clean-up
  • Holiday Benefit Concert
  • Social Justice Speakers Series
  • Help at Free Will Dinners
  • Kids’ Overnights
  • Hikes
  • Candidates' Forums
  • Concerts ....and more!
Sledding Party 1