Flat Stanley 2.0 aka Flat Chalice


Remember Flat Stanley? The cut-out figure school children sent far and wide to learn about new places and engage with people all over the country and the world? Well, we have the UU Church of Canton’s pandemic answer to Stanley – Flat Chalice! We’re hoping a visit from our Flat Chalice will help you feel connected to church friends and acquaintances – near and far – both in the receiving and the sending.

Here’s how it works

We will mail several Flat Chalices (now affectionately known as FC!) out to church members and friends. If you are in the church directory, FC will arrive in your REAL mailbox in a small manila envelope, accompanied by instructions, a travel log, and mailing labels.

Here’s what you do:

  • Open the envelope with care (your FC has a lot more stops!).
  • Add your name to the travel log, including the date you received
    FC and any message you’d like to send.
  • If you’d like, take your picture with FC and post it on the church’s Facebook or Instagram page (you can also send your picture to the
     church office and we can post it for you).
  • Take one of the mailing labels from the packet and affix it to the
    outside of the envelope, add a regular 55-cent stamp and drop it in the mail.
  • Check Facebook and Instagram regularly to see who and where our Flat Chalices are visiting!

We will see our Flat Chalices off on Monday, February 1. If you’d prefer not to receive one, please let the church office know immediately (office@uucantonny.org / 315-386-2498). If you know someone who is not in our directory who would like to receive FC, go ahead and use your own label to send it to them, then they can follow the instructions and use one of the enclosed labels to keep FC’s travels going.

Please try to send your FC promptly so we can keep them traveling around the North Country…and the country! We hope this activity will be fun and help you feel connected during this very disconnected time!