FAITHIFY: Connecting Passionate People to UU Ministries

FAITHIFY is a crowdfunding platform, a project of the UUA initiated in 2014 that seeks to connect passionate people to fund Unitarian Universalist ministries beyond our individual congregations. FAITHIFY envisions a Unitarian Universalism that is more connected, relevant, and vibrant. Projects posted on include everything from youth work to social justice, service, buildings, staff positions, and emerging ministries. These projects all seek our direct support as individual UUs to FAITHIFY their efforts. FAITHIFY itself is not a funding body; rather, it is the platform that allows projects to generate funders within our UU communities.

So what is Crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a fundamental change in how we raise funds for specific projects or needs. It allows us to mobilize resources from everyday people, and rely on thousands of smaller donors rather than the institutional backing from governments, foundations, or even donors with big pockets. Now any group can raise thousands of dollars with just the click of a button. Crowdfunding offers a new way of thinking about how to get things done and where to focus our limited energies and highly motivated spirits to amplify the good work we are already doing.

FAITHIFY was launched  to prepare for a future where all of us can use this digital platform to connect to supporters and funders, leverage social networks to get the word out about their ideas, and get the support they need to start building a new way.

Today FAITHIFY is Unitarian Universalism’s own crowdfunding site, where we can invest directly in ministries that excite us. Congregations and other Unitarian Universalist-affiliated ministries propose projects that could be jumpstarted into reality by funds from all of us. FAITHIFY has an 83% success rate in funding projects posted on the site. They have facilitated funding of 340 projects, with pledges of $1,326,390. Through our individual support of U-U projects and ministries,  we are joining hands and small gifts to confront the challenges of our time.

How can you FAITHIFY Unitarian Universalism?
Log on to today, and check out the current campaigns seeking support. If you find one that you would like to support, create an account on, and follow the directions. You can fund the project with any amount, small or large, and it will not be deducted from your account unless the funding goal is met. This assures that the project you are funding has received enough funding to make a go of it. A recent project that I participated in was to fund a new van for Unirondack. The project was funded, and they have had their van this summer to support their work with our youth.

Any questions?  See Eileen Raymond at church, or go directly to