Expanding Our Reach

The Unitarian-Universalist Church of Canton has long been aware of the potential to extend our presence and message via communication technologies.  This awareness has, during the Covid-19 pandemic, been heightened as we have tried to fulfill our mission using the Zoom platform and social media.  There is irony in the fact that, as we have been forced to maintain physical distance and temporarily suspended normal Sunday services , we have also opened the Church to visitors from near and far who can get to know us and Unitarian-Universalism in a virtual way.

It is clear that when the pandemic eventually gets under control we will continue to have an on-line presence in addition to the in-person opportunities we cherish. 

Using technology effectively as part of our overall program requires planning.  Planning is important before buying equipment.  For example, these are some considerations:

  1. First, we need to list all of the things we anticipate doing that could make their way on-line.  Live worship services certainly, but also special events, discussions, choral or handbell selections, outdoor events, etc.  We need to inventory what equipment we already have. 
  2. The equipment should be portable and adaptable enough to handle all of these situations.
  3. Where will we store the equipment?
  4. Where will we store and access the recordings?  Cloud?
  5. Who will have access to the equipment?
  6. Who will be trained to use the equipment?
  7. Who will be capable of doing post-processing of video/audio?
  8. There will be the capital cost of the equipment, but we also need to consider O&M, upgrades, training, possibly hiring people for specific tasks.

Church Council would like to task a temporary study group with researching options and developing a proposal for the Church to consider.  Council would welcome input from members and friends of the Church both young and old.   The study group would accomplish their work this fall.  If this sounds interesting to you, please contact Jenn Whittaker, Council President at president@uucantonny.org