Updates from the Kitchen Cabinet

As we begin the new church year, we want to take a moment to remind everyone that the Kitchen Cabinet is a group of friendly folks who believe the kitchen is the most important room in the home and want to help everyone feel “at home” in our shared church kitchen. The following useful updates about this central function of our church should be helpful.

Social Hour
Social hour is an important Sunday ritual that allows us to strengthen our interconnected web by welcoming newcomers, making new connections, and visiting with old friends. Sharing the responsibilities for hosting social hour is a long-standing tradition of our church community. Each September, we publish a schedule of weekly hosts who take charge of preparing light refreshments (coffee, tea, juice, light snacks). If you are a church member or regularly attending friend, your name is probably on the list, so please check. We have done our best to schedule a sufficient number each week so there is always plenty of help. In addition, the monthly Kitchen Cabinet advisors will be available to answer questions. Early each week, an email reminder will be sent directly to those scheduled and assignments will also be posted in the weekly UU News to Know. If you cannot host on the day you are scheduled, first – please try to switch with someone else on the list, then contact the Kitchen Cabinet advisor for your month.

We encourage everyone to keep social hour welcoming yet simple. Please arrive before 10 a.m. to prepare coffee, tea water and other refreshments. The church provides coffee and tea, sugar, creamer, and a small variety of crackers and cookies. Hosts are asked to provide a container of half-and-half. Also welcome are small contributions of snacks that are friendly to most diets such as fruit and vegetables, cheese or hummus. Homemade baked goods are always appreciated but by no means expected. Please communicate with the other hosts to coordinate what each will contribute and please aim for simple and light refreshments. After social hour, hosts are responsible for general clean up, and, finally, don’t forget to unplug the coffee machine!

Lost & Found
We often find items that do not belong to the church in the kitchen. Because space is at a premium, and also because we want lost items to find their way home, we have established a Lost & Found cart in the social room. Please look here for stuff you are missing. You might even find something you had forgotten you left at church! On a periodic basis, unclaimed items will be donated to the Canton Neighborhood Center or CORC store in Potsdam, so make a habit of checking regularly!