EAC Trip to Hear Rev. Fred Small

On Sunday, March 13, members of the Environmental Action Committee will travel to the UU church in Plattsburgh to hear the Rev. Fred Small, a Unitarian Universalist minister, song leader, and former environmental lawyer. Rev. Small will preach the sermon at the 10 a.m. service and offer a workshop at 1 p.m. Susan Powers will drive to Plattsburgh – contact her (see directory) for a ride.

Rev. Smalls is Director of Faith Outreach for Climate XChange, which advocates for carbon-pricing legislation in Massachusetts. Learn more about Rev. Smalls here.  About his sermon, “Radical Hope,” be says “Facing the climate crisis will demand the best of us, calling us to courage, creativity, kindness, and love. How can we nourish hope and help build a just and sustainable society?”

Details about the workshop, “Give Light: Spiritual Nurture in the Climate Crisis”: As we come to understand the gravity of climate disruption, it’s easy to become disheartened. In this interactive workshop, Rev. Small will invite participants into meditation, reflection, prayer, and song, strengthening spirits for the struggle to heal the earth and human relationships.

Contact Sue Powers for more information.