Sunday worship begins at 10:30 a.m.
Our worship services are offered both in person and virtually. Click here for more information on how to participate online. You are welcome!
Come Worship With Us!
Sunday morning worship anchors us spiritually and unites us as a community. Services, created by our Minister and Worship Committee, are inclusive and participatory. Children and adults regularly take part in worship in a number of ways–through music, readings, chalice lighting, children’s stories, and more.
A number of special worship services are important traditions for us, such as Ingathering/Water Ceremony, Religious Education Sunday, Winter Solstice, Holiday Pageant and Christmas Eve Candlelight. It is our custom to draw wisdom and inspiration from many sources by inviting members of the church and the larger community to share their stories and talents on the Sundays when our minister is not in the pulpit.
If you would like to join us virtually via Zoom, you can find all the instructions here.
Let Us Know You’re Visiting!
We invite you to fill out a welcome card in the pew or complete our online Get Connected Form to be included in our electronic mailings and Religious Education communications.
Newcomers – What to Expect
We look forward to helping you explore this community and encourage you to attend multiple times in order to discover the full breadth of our theology. Sunday worship begins at 10:30 a.m. Nursery care is available at 10:15am for children age 3 and under. Children and youth join the congregation for the first part of the service, then may go downstairs for religious education classes. A social hour follows the service.
Getting Here
The church is located at 3 1/2 East Main Street, across from the park in the Village of Canton.
Parking is available on Main Street and in the parking lot behind the St. Lawrence County Historical Association. The rear entrance is fully accessible. For more details on parking click here.
Whether you enter the front door or the back entrance, a greeter will be there to welcome you. Feel free to ask greeters any questions you have and to make a nametag at the table in the Social Room.
What To Wear
You may see coats and ties and you’ll see jeans and t-shirts – and everything in between. Come as you are comfortable!
Bringing Children 
Families with children are a vital part of our community. We recommend arriving at 10:15am to determine childcare needs and appropriate classrooms. If you have young children, they are welcome to stay with you in the sanctuary or join our religious education programming downstairs. The following details may also be helpful to know:
- “Fidget Baskets” are available at the back of the sanctuary to keep little hands busy. There is also a children’s corner with activities and books.
- The service can be heard on speakers in Social Room.
- Religious Education is available for children and youth from newborn through high school.
- Rather than holding traditional baptisms or christenings, our congregation has Child Dedication Ceremonies for infants and children.
Attend UU 101
These workshops introduce newcomers to Unitarian Universalism and to our church. They offer a great opportunity to ask any questions you have about our church and meet other people who are new to the community. For more information, contact our minister at or (315)386-2498.
Sunday Service Volunteers
Every week, members and friends of the congregation greet guests, collect the morning offering, and host social hour. If you would like to help out with one of our service volunteer tasks, click here to read about the jobs and contact our Congregational Administrator at
In addition to the music played on our historic organ, we have regular performances by our adult and children’s choirs and handbell choir. Other accomplished church members and guests also perform at Sunday services. To read more about the music opportunities at our church, click here.
Additional Events and Activities
Our church extends beyond Sunday morning worship. We have a variety of ways to get involved, learn what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist, and engage with people in our church community. Find a list of events and activities here.
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 9AM – 2PM, and by appointment
Phone: (315) 386-2498 – E-mail: