Proposed 2021 Budget

Church Council and the Budget and Finance Committee worked together to create the 2021 budget. The canvass goal is $266,000, which is a slight increase over the 2020 budget. Due to temporary COVID-related decreases in certain income lines such as cash offerings and building use fees, budgeted expenses were kept flat or reduced wherever possible; there is not a lot of room to cut without losing important services, programs, and hard-working staff. 

Pledge Income$266,000
Cash Offerings$4,000
Other Contribution$5,803*
Special Fundraiser$0
Endowment Distribution$13,250
Building Use$1,500
*anticipated carry over from 2020 budget
Salaries & Wages$147,428
Employee Benefits$65,709
Progam Expenses$12,800
Office & Administration$7,555
Professional Fees$5,800
Building Expenses$34,145
Wider World$17,116