2021 Canvass

We find ourselves in truly unique times. Forced into isolation and separation, the need for and value of the interconnected web of our church feels greater than ever.  Though the ways we connect may have changed, it is a comfort to know our church community is still very much here – connecting and supporting us all.

This is the time of year when we are all asked to make a financial commitment to support the ongoing mission and programs of the church. As we look to an uncertain future, we must ensure that the church will be here for us.

For this year’s canvass, our focus will be on Strengthening Our Web.

We invite everyone to contemplate the importance of the church in your lives and to imagine what we can do to together to strengthen and sustain our church and this congregation as we navigate the uncertainties of the continuing COVID pandemic.

As you consider the strength and intricacies of our church’s web we ask you to reflect on its importance to you and to our community. What is it worth to you? And we ask you to make a financial pledge with that value in mind. Your contribution will be used to support the staff, programs and resources required to keep our church strong.

The Canvass

This year, because we cannot be together and visit at church or in each other’s homes, we will be conducting our pledge drive virtually.

On Sunday, October 11, we kicked off the canvass during our Sunday morning service. This video is your virtual canvass visit; in it you will see familiar faces and hear familiar voices talking about the importance of our church’s interconnected web.

Your Pledge

After you have watched the video, you are invited to make your pledge here. If you would prefer to make your pledge by mail, please contact the church office / 315-386-2498 and a pledge card will be sent to you.

If you have questions or would prefer to have a virtual canvass visit, please email the Stewardship Committee or contact any member of the Stewardship Committee (listed below, phone numbers are in the Directory).

Canvass at a Glance

For 2021, the proposed budget is $290,553

The canvass goal to help us meet that budget is $266,000.

In 2020, 87 % of our church’s operating budget came from pledges.

The average pledge for 2020 was $1,950.

2020 Giving Levels

Historical Giving

Proposed 2021 Budget

Options for Paying Your Pledge

Stewardship Committee: Steve Coffin, chair; Peter Beekman, Louise Bixby, Tim Opdyke, Carol Pynchon, Jenn Whittaker; the Rev. James Galasinski