
Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee mission is to foster a spirit of generosity in our church and facilitate ways to live our religious values, both as a church and as individuals. The spirit of generosity we embrace includes giving of time, talents, and treasure to the church and our local and global communities.

What we do

The operating budget of our church does more than keep the lights on; it supports the programs that make us a vital spiritual community and beacon of liberal religion in the North Country. Our gifts also support the work of the larger denomination through our Fair Share and Social Action Shared Offerings.

What should you give?

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
– Winston Churchill

Pledges of all sizes are needed and welcome. We encourage everyone to “give until it feels good.” Annual pledges/gifts from members and friends make up 85 percent of our operating budget. 

How can you give?

Our annual canvass happens each fall. This pledge drive offers an opportunity to build community and support the church, with individual or small group meetings.

You can make an online donation on our website or using Venmo.

An offering is received every Sunday during the church service (while services are being held virtually “plate offerings” can be made online or via Venmo).

You can learn more about planned giving opportunities, including the church’s Olympia Brown Society here.

Support the work of the committee with your gifts of time and talent.