Coffee, Conversation & More Resumes

Coffee, Conversation & More is an opportunity for adult church participants to explore topics of shared interest together. The Religious Education Committee is now coordinating the CC&More schedule. R.E. Committee members Arthur Freeheart and Anna Sorenson are the new contact people.

CC&M sessions are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m., in the Romer Room.

On Sunday, September 10, the topic is ‘’Spiritual Ingathering.’’ We encourage participants to bring spiritual insights from the summer to share.

On Sunday, September 24, we will explore ‘’Where to from Here?’’ We will discuss the feedback our committee gets about CC&M from other committees and our minister between now and then. We look forward to all participants’ collaboration in this creative process (including yours). We look forward to seeing you there and hearing you.