Coffee, Conversation & More is Back!

Coffee, Conversation & More will resume in September. We meet before church twice a month on the first and third Sundays to share conversations (and coffee!) on a wide variety of topics. All are welcome.

On September 18, at 9:15 a.m., the Welcoming Committee invites all to join an informal pre-church discussion to tackle a topic that will be all too real for us this fall. The media will try our patience until November as we face an onslaught of political ads, opinions, and pleas for support. The focus of our CC&M conversation will be on civil discourse and the use of empathy in our inevitable conversations over politics.

Please visit in the UU World to read an article we’ll use as our starting point. Surely you have a friend or relative who challenges your patience and political empathy. Let’s brainstorm some thoughts and use the article as our guide.

Stevie Michaelson, Chair, Welcoming Committee