In religious education this Sunday our children and youth will be hearing the story of our universe, considering everyone has a story, providing trail maintenance and supporting our Adopt-a-Highway project. […]
The Bismarck-Mandan Unitarian Universalist Congregation is providing vital support to the water protectors at Standing Rock. As Karen Van Fossan explains in her letter below, the situation is getting worse […]
In religious education this Sunday our children and youth will be hearing a story about a brave princess, telling stories, hiking, connecting to a greater presence and debating politics. Our […]
The Social Action Shared Offering on Sunday, October 30, will be taken in support of the UUSC’s relief efforts in Haiti. The UUSC has a long history of responsible activity […]
In religious education this Sunday our children and youth will be attending the worship service. Slightly Haunted – Our deceased ancestors and loved ones never quite leave us. During this […]
This fall, the Rev. James Galasinski is presenting UU 101, a five-part series on what Unitarian Universalism is and how our church works, on Tuesdays in October and November. Intended for […]
The annual canvass for the 2017 operating budget kicked off on Sunday, October 16! As we begin our journey with James, the canvass theme, “Dreams for the Future,” asks each […]
NOTICE Annual Meeting Sunday, October 23, 2016 The Annual Meeting will be held after the service. Everyone is welcome, but only members may vote. The meeting will include the election […]
In religious education this Sunday our children and youth will be learning about our yellow principle,learn about a tradition in Rosh Hashanah called Tashlich, going on a hike to Heritage […]
The Welcoming Committee invites all newcomers to join us on Sunday morning, October 23, at 9:15, in the Romer Room, for a “get-acquainted” coffee. We will offer light breakfast finger foods, fresh coffee, […]