Building Our Commitment Stage 2 9.15.19

Sunday, September 15, 12-1p.m.

Building our Commitment Stage 2 (light lunch provided)

Last April, our Social Justice Coordinator, Teresa Veramendi, led two workshops to help us identify projects that our church community was interested in pursuing this church year. We will take our next steps on Sunday, September 15. Working groups that formed last spring will have a chance to begin organizing for the year. Didn’t make it to the spring meeting? You are welcome to join in now!  As Teresa said in the June newsletter, “Many great ideas were developed, and many hands will be needed to bring these ideas into reality.” A summary of these great ideas is listed here:

Social Action Project Ideas from the UU Canton Community:

Addressing Poverty
Priest Comes to Campus Kitchens: Offer produce from Priest Gardens in take away bags at Campus Kitchens
Food for Families: Create two-month planning group to address poverty & food instability in the north country, collaborate with local organizations

Addressing Immigration
Creating Community with Strangers in Our Neighborhood: Host educational events about immigration issues like Green Light, create language/cultural exchange program on farms
Apoyo y Connección a los immigrantes/Immigrant Support & Connection: Push for Green Light campaign, transport farmworkers to doctors, engage with social/spiritual outreach to farms

Addressing Racism
Beyond Our Own Barriers: Host talks and workshops exploring anti-racism, white supremacy, inter-generational trauma, more events with HEOP students and Akwesasne community.
Invite Speaking Invitations/Sermons to More POC & Other Cultures: Generate conversation with Church Worship Committee and those interested about how to expand the diversity of speakers.

Addressing Gender & Sexuality
Annual Welcoming Congregation Renewal Program & LGBTQ+ Youth Mixer: Renew our commitment to be a Welcoming Congregation, organize LGBTQ+ Youth Mixer inviting both college and high school students from the area.
Welcoming Congregation Renewal Program

Addressing Incarceration
Understanding Our Local Legal System: Education around District Attorney & Sheriff elections.

Addressing Climate Change
Foster a Forum on the Green New Deal