Back to School Program

Dry Erase Markers for Back to School

Every year our church participates in the Church and Community Program’s  “School Supplies.”  Each member church is asked to focus on one type of supplies (e.g., pencils, notebooks, markers).  These are what teachers request individual students to bring on the first day. Unsurprisingly, some parents can’t afford to buy the whole list, and that is where our church congregations help out. We expect about 175 kids to be served by the program this year.

This year, UU Church members have been asked to provide dry erase markers (a small set of four to eight colored dry erase markers, low odor preferred). To participate, you can buy one (or a few) sets of markers, and place them into the box in the social room at church. Deadline is Friday, August 19. This would be greatly appreciated, and make a difference for the kids who are helped.   

Alternatively, if you are unable to get to the store and drop off markers, you can make a donation. A $25 gift would cover the cost of 3 to 4 sets of markers. Checks can be sent to  Church and Community Program (put UU dry erase markers in the memo line) 30 Court St. ,PO Box 55 , Canton NY 13617.  Or, you can donate online at the Church and Community Program website (be sure to add in the note section UU dry erase markers).