Annual Congregational Meeting 10.25.20

Important Notice Regarding the Annual Meeting of the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Canton

Dear Members,

We have the important task of electing officers and council members at our upcoming Annual Meeting on Sunday, October 25, 2020.  Since this is the first time we are not able to meet in person in the sanctuary, we must resort to conducting our meeting and voting on-line via the Zoom platform.  Our by-laws allow for this means of taking action; however, to be successful, we must have a clear method of determining a quorum and tallying votes.

We plan to do this by including the slate of candidates with this notice so you can review them in advance. We will ask you to vote using the chat feature during the annual meeting at a designated voting time.  Mary Michalek, our Secretary, will use the information in the chat responses to (1) determine if a quorum is present and, (2) determine the outcome of the vote.  We will show a slide with instructions during the voting period.  It will be simple and straightforward.  A digital record will be saved of the chat responses.

If you are not comfortable voting via the Zoom Chat feature, you may request a paper ballot from Sara Trimm at 315-386-2498 or office@uucantonny.orgDeadline for receipt of mail-in ballots will be Friday, October 23 at noon.

It is highly important that you remain on the Zoom call following our regular Church service on October 25 in order to ensure a quorum.  The service itself will be shortened a bit to make space for the Annual Meeting.

The Annual Meeting Slate, ballot (for those without internet), and accompanying materials are appended to this notice.

Please read the materials prior to October 25.  Questions will be taken during the meeting. As a reminder, all are invited to attend the meeting, but only members may vote.

Thank you for your cooperation and participation in the life of our church!

For Church Council,

Jennifer Whittaker, President

Please click on each link to view additional materials: