2020 Census Information

Learn More About the 2020 Census – It’s Important!!

On Thursday, February 13, at 7 p.m., we are joining with the League of Women Voters to co-sponsor a presentation by Census Bureau Partnership Specialist Nicole Jordan. The information session will take place
at the church.

The census determines not just congressional representation, but also federal funding to support essentials that New Yorkers use every day, including funding for housing, highways, transportation, food stamps,
and education. Based on the 2010 census, New York receives about $73 billion a year; the 2020 census will influence funding, policymaking, and planning for the next decade.

After the last census in 2010, New York State lost two seats in Congress, reducing its delegation in the House to 27 members. An undercount in 2020 could result in more losses in representation in Washington.

The presentation is designed to help organizations and agencies do outreach to their clients to ensure a full and complete 2020 census count.

Join us to learn more!