Coffee, Conversation & More 2.9.20

Implications of and Military Preparation for a Changing Climate

Sunday, February 9 at 9:15 a.m.

Hosted by the Climate Action Group

Our military recognizes that their operations will be significantly impacted by changing climate. The most recent 2019 Army War College report’s second sentence spoke of the Department of Defense as being “precariously unprepared” to meet the challenges of climate change-induced national security threats. It said rising seas will displace “tens, if not hundreds, of millions of people.” It wondered where the people nearest the ocean in already over-crowded Bangladesh will go. It describes the Army as being “precariously close to mission failure” in meeting the hydration needs of troops in hot and arid places. The presentation and discussion will be led by Ginger Storey-Welch.

Ginger is a member of our congregation and the chair of NC350, the local community climate action group. She worked with an SLU intern to prepare this presentation. In addition to leading this discussion, she will provide a brief video to recap the key points to share with all of us.

The CC&M venues provide us with an opportunity to learn, share our own concerns and ideas, and take action.  Join us at this event or during social hour to write postcards to congress to urge them to take note of the numerous DoD studies that address the challenges of climate change. Our military needs to be prepared.

If you weren’t able to attend, but would like to hear more, you can watch this brief video of Ginger summarizing her presentation.