Sunday Worship & Volunteers 10.20.19

Where’s the Justice in Criminal Justice?
Margaret Kent Bass, Pulpit Guest

Those of us who were born in this country are enmeshed in systems of injustice. The criminal justice system is one of them. Many of us have concluded that there is little justice in corrections, particularly for those who are incarcerated. As we endeavor to right the wrongs in our nation’s prisons, we have a few options. Restorative Justice is one of them. This morning we consider whether we can achieve justice for those who are incarcerated while working in an unjust and corrupt system.

Margaret Kent Bass currently serves as Restorative Justice Panel Manager for the Community Justice Center in Winooski, VT, where she and her spouse, Mary, have lived for three years. Margaret is a state certified CoSA volunteer and is currently in training to serve as a mentor to an incarcerated woman.

Margaret lived in Canton longer than she’s lived anywhere in her life. Returning to Canton is returning home.

Music: Betsy Kepes
Lay Leader: Dave Nelson
RE Ambassador: Ron Tavernier
Greeters: Duncan & Lois Cutter, Paul Cutter, Jim Rudd, Elian Erickson
Social Hour Host: Jon Rosales & Matilda Larson, Sally Vrooman
Collection Counters: Lorraine Olendzenski, TBD