Sunday Worship & Volunteers 7.28.19

Today is Not Forever: Evolution, Dolphins, and Hope for Our Future
Dave Nelson, Pulpit Guest

With an eye on current events, we explore evolution, social history and dolphins. Today provides hope and reassurance – and reasons to believe that our future is brighter than we may think it is.

Dave Nelson came to the North Country in 2005 with his wife Rebecca Pickens. He is dad to three boys – Elias, JoJo and Walden. Currently the Program Manager at Claxton Hepburn Wellness Center in Ogdensburg, he also runs a private psychotherapy practice in Canton. He is a novice woodworker, a former draft horse logger and he plays guitar whenever he can.

Music: Betsy Kepes
Lay Leader: Robin Collen
RE Ambassador: Arthur Freeheart
Greeters: Mark Berninghausen, Sheila Cerwonka
Social Hour Host: Ethel Slocum, Jim & Pam Boyle, Elian Erickson
Collection Counters: Lonie Bogett, Will Siegfried