Sunday Worship & Volunteers 5.19.19

Walking Humbly With…
Marty Pelham, Pulpit Guest

Can humility be a spiritual practice for individuals and communities? Can it change how we act on social justice and welcome those who are different from us? Humility might be crucial for maintaining our integrity while engaging with a complex world.

Marty Pelham is a Florida native with previous careers in social services and education. They moved north in 2015 to attend Andover Newton Theological School  in Massachusetts and have been a full-time ministerial intern at First Unitarian Universalist Society of Syracuse since last August. Marty loves hiking, singing, and cooking, and always wants to know about the best local fried chicken, kimchi, and ice cream. Canton is the northernmost location they have ever preached.

Music: UU Choir, Bethany Cencer
Lay Leader: Doug Rubio
RE Ambassador: Ron Tavernier
Greeters: Peggy & Dick Mooers, Rick Tomlinson & Julie Welch
Social Hour Host: Jan DeWaters & Stefan Grimberg, Kevin Ball & Ruth Baltus
Collection Counters: Jon Montan, Lorraine Olendzenski