In Religious Education 5.5.19

This Sunday our children and youth will hear a story about five little fiends, continue exploring building with Frank Lloyd Wright, attend worship, lead the worship service and participate in the worship service. 

RE Ambassador is Esther Katz. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Eden Terrell and Kiley Frank. 

Spirit Play will hear the story “The Five Little Fiends”.  A violet principle story of the need to take care of the earth. 

Teachers: Margaret Harloe and Wil Rivers 

Spirit of Adventure will explore the interdependent web through Frank Lloyd Wright’s cantilevered design for “Fallingwater” and graham crackers. 

Teachers: Esther Oey and Jim Rudd 

Maker Space will attend the Coming of Age worship service. 

Coming of Age will lead the worship service. 

Youth Group will participate in the Coming of Age worship Service.