Reading Your Pledge Statement

Wondering How To Read Your Pledge Statement? Let’s walk through it together.

In the top right corner, you will find the statement date range. Because this is a form used for IRS purposes, it uses the calendar year as a date range. This statement is intended to show all money you’ve given in this calendar year.

Tip: check your name and address to be sure that everything is accurate. If you notice errors, please email the office with corrections.

In the next section, you should see the individual listing of all donations you have made in this calendar year, including the date they were recorded, the check number, and the purpose of the donation. This section will list donations you’ve given toward your pledge, but also toward SASOs, Guest At Your Table, or other miscellaneous collections.

The final section pertains to your pledge.

Account (Pledged Dates) The Pledges (mm/dd/yy – mm/dd/yy) indicates which pledge campaign the statement is reflecting. There are times when you could have 2 campaigns listed. (Maybe you made a payment to last year’s pledge early this year– that would mean you have 2 pledge campaigns listed.) All the amounts listed on the line going across the page pertain to the pledge campaign dates listed on the left.

The Freq. and Amt./Freq. are pretty irrelevant for us.  You can ignore those.

Pledged – the amount listed in this column is the amount you pledged to this campaign.

Prior Giving – this will list any money you gave toward the current pledge (the one listed to the left) before January 1. (Remember, this statement is designed to show the IRS how much money you donated in this calendar year, but we also want you to know the exact amount you’ve given toward your pledge, so we list those early payments here.)

Amt. Given – this is the total amount you have given toward this pledge so far this year (any payments after January 1.)

Over/Under – This final column tells you how much you still owe on your pledge. It adds prior giving (anything paid before January) to the amount given this year and subtracts that from your pledge amount. Any number showing in parenthesis is the amount you still owe. If you have paid more than you owe, it won’t be in parenthesis.

If you need more help deciphering your statement, or you think there is an error of any kind, please don’t hesitate to contact the office for more assistance.