In Religious Education 3.24.19

This Sunday our children and youth will hear a story about planting trees, continue to explore the web of life, continue to explore climate change, attend the youth worship service and lead the worship service. 

RE Ambassador is Wil Rivers. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Katie Boczarski and TBA. 

Spirit Play will hear the story “Planter of Trees“, a violet principle story where we value the interdependence with nature.  An elder is out planting seedlings and asks a reluctant passerby to lend a hand. 

Teachers: Todd Moe and Lois Cutter 

Spirit of Adventure will enjoy animals, just like Beatrix Potter did when she was young. 

Teachers: Esther Oey and Becky VandeWater 

Maker Space will continue to explore climate change.  They will continue to work on the climate justice project. 

Teachers: Susan Powers and Arthur Freeheart 

Coming of Age will attend the youth group worship service. 

Teachers: All available teachers and assistants 

Youth Group will lead the worship service for this Sunday 

Advisors:  All available youth advisors