In Religious Education 3.17.19

This Sunday our children and youth will hear a story about a brave ant, explore the web of life, continue to explore climate change, learn about creating a worship service and continue to plan a worship service. 

Acting DRE is Shelby Hunkins and RE Ambassador is TBA. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Will Siegfried and Katie Boczarski. 

Spirit Play will hear the story “Hey Little Ant”, a violet principle story where we value the interdependence with nature.  A young boy and a brave ant talk about why the ant’s life might be important. 

Teachers: Sharon Tavernier and Shelby Hunkins 

Spirit of Adventure will explore the web of life.  We will celebrate the circus and learn about Universalist P.T. Barnum. 

Teachers: Heather Rousell and Becky VandeWater 

Maker Space will continue to explore climate change.  They will determine the project they would like to create. 

Teachers: Susan Powers and David Bradford

Coming of Age will begin learning how to lead a worship service and begin planning for their fundraising luncheon. 

Teachers: Jon Montan and Helen Hutchinson 

Youth Group will continue to create their worship service.  

Advisors: Julie VanDuyneLeo Burger and Doug Rubio