Sunday Worship & Volunteers 2.3.19

Spiritual Authority
The Rev. James Galasinski

Religious people tend to put the final authority of their faith in the tradition itself or in their faith’s sacred scriptures. The UU take on spiritual authority is a bit different. Influenced bu the Enlightenment, Transcendentalism, and Humanism, we emphasize the oracle within as a final authority for our spiritual lives.

It’s Invite a Friend Sunday – don’t forget to invite your friends to join you for this service.

Worship Associate: Sarah Bentley-Garfinkel
RE Ambassador: Esther Katz
Greeters: Jim & Pam Boyle, Sara Hutcheson, Ethel Slocum
Social Hour Host: Leo Burger, Relani Prudhomme- Volunteers Needed- Can you help?
Collection Counters: Ruth Baltus, David Doran