In Religious Education 12.9.18

This Sunday our children and youth will hear the story of a snowflake, learn about Charles Dickens, finalize the Lights on the River display, learn about the Church and Community Program and participate in church ministry. 

RE Ambassador is Shelby Hunkins. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Rachel Sturges and Will Siegfried. 

Spirit Play will hear the story “The Weight of a Snowflake.”  A red promise story about a chickadee who likes to count snowflakes. 

Teachers: Cara Coffin and Arianna Whittaker 

Spirit of Adventure will explore the holiday season and learn about Charles Dicken, a Unitarian.  We will hear the story “A Christmas Carol” and have fun with Christmas songs. 

Teachers: Jenn Whittaker and Eileen Raymond 

Maker Space will finalize the decorations for the Lights on the River display.  We will make plans to install this display 

Teachers: Pete Wyckoff and Pat Glover 

Coming of Age will learn about the Church and Community Program.  Connie Jenkins, Director of the program will join the group. 

Teachers: Morolake Odetoyinbo and Kara McLuckie 

Youth Group will participate in church ministry by attending worship or helping out downstairs with religious education classes.