In Religious Education 10.14.18

This Sunday our children and youth will celebrate water, begin exploring medicine, continue creating election materials, fund raise and participate in church ministry.  

RE Ambassador is Arthur Freeheart. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Jennifer Sorensen and Janet McFarland. 

Spirit Play will be celebrating a water communion, one of our UU rituals.  Children should plan to bring a small amount of water from home or a special place. 

Teachers: Shelby Hunkins and Maria Dickinson 

Spirit of Adventure will begin exploring medicine.  We will empower children to think of the safety of others as a way to care for the community. Learn the story of Elizabeth Blackwell, Unitarian and first woman physician of modern medicine. 

Teachers: Ashley Clover and Emily Dixon 

Maker Space will continue to explore local elections.  They will be preparing for a letter writing campaign that will be part of social hour on October 21. 

Teachers: Ron Tavernier and Miles Manchester 

Coming of Age will host a bake sale fundraiser for their trip to Boston.  Youth will be in the social room after worship selling yummy baked goods. 

Teachers: Karen Bage and Kara McLuckie 

Youth Group will not be meeting.  Please consider joining the worship service or joining one of the religious education classrooms as an assistant.  We will meet again on Sunday, November 4.