September SASO: The Boma Project

The Social Action Shared Offering for the month of September will benefit The Boma Project in Kenya. The SASO will be received on Sunday, September 30.

BOMA is an NGO that provides a high-impact program for ultra-poor women in the drought-threatened arid lands of northern Kenya. It was established in 2009 by Kathleen Colson, a St. Lawrence University graduate who went on the university’s Kenya Semester Program. Through micro-enterprises, BOMA has helped to lift 105,624 women and children out of extreme poverty.

Kathleen’s vision is powerful, tough-minded, and extraordinarily effective. Ending poverty must start with improving the economic potential of women. Any long-term solution must be embraced and led by locals in order to succeed. This vision empowers women to establish sustainable livelihoods, build resilient families, move out of extreme poverty and catalyze change in their communities.

This stellar NGO has attracted support from, among others, the Gates Foundation. Our support is needed too, if BOMA is to reach its next milestone, changing the lives of one million women and children by 2022.