Sunday Worship & Volunteers 7.1.18

Compassionate Conflict: Restorative Justice at Work
The Rev. Kathleen Buckley, Pulpit Guest

What happens when a person breaks off a romantic relationship in a text message? What happens when a group tries to resolve a conflict via email and snapchat? Are essential elements of connection lost? And do the principles of restorative justice have anything to say about this growing phenomenon? Let’s talk.

The Reverend Kathleen Buckley, ordained in the United Church of Christ, has been the University Chaplain at St. Lawrence University since 2001. In addition to her years in college chaplaincy, Kathleen spent 12 years in congregational ministry. She has developed and led a variety of programs focusing on spiritual development, is on the Advisory Board of the Peace Studies minor at SLU, works with Intergroup DIalogue and Restorative Justice and teaches in the Religious Studies Department. As University Chaplain she has been committed to fostering a spiritual environment that is both multi-faith and multi-cultural. She regularly provides workshops on contemplative practices to assist students, faculty and staff as they  manage their stressful lives.

Personally, she describes herself as an introvert whose spiritual home is nature. She lives in a community of seven households who share common tasks and try to live sustainably.  Kathleen is a woodworker who loves to lose herself in her shop, making everything from Shaker furniture to small cutting boards. She is an avid gardener, canoer, kayaker, and cross country skier.

Music: Bethany Cencer
Worship Associate: Valerie Ingram
RE Ambassador: Wil Rivers
Greeters: Volunteers Needed
Social Hour Hosts: Volunteers Needed
Collection Counters: David Doran, Ruth Baltus