Sunday Worship & Volunteers 6.24.18

UU Guardian Angels?
Doug Rubio, Pulpit Guest

Stories of guardian angels are a feature of many religious faiths throughout time and around the world. Unitarian Universalists, however, tend not to believe in angels of any kind. So is there something we can learn from this idea of guardian angels? Are there UU guardian angels?

Doug Rubio is a member of the Worship Committee. He has been attending our church for over 20 years and has held a number of leadership positions. In his non-church life he is a professor of classic guitar at SUNY Potsdam.

Music: Mary Michalek & Betsy Kepes
Worship Associate: Valerie Ingram
RE Ambassador: Shelby Hunkins
Greeters: Donna Kimball, Brian & Claire Gardam, Robin Collen
Social Hour Hosts: Bobbi Haldane, Deborah Kalicin, Valerie Ingram, Janet McFarland
Collection Counters: Lonie Bogett, Will Siegfried