Our Whole Lives: Why does our church offer sexuality education?

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton is proud to offer the “Our Whole Lives” (OWL) Human Sexuality curriculum to middle and high school youth. We have offered this program since its inception and before that we offered its precursor “About Your Sexuality” (AYS). One may wonder why a church is providing “sex ed.” to its youth. It is because we feel that youth need factual information to help them make good decisions about their bodies and their relationships.

OWL participants learn about biology, reproduction, pregnancy and sexual health. The program presents facts in order to promote Self-Worth, Sexual Health, Responsibility, Justice and Inclusivity. OWL addresses the fact that people express their sexuality and gender in many ways.  All people are valued and deserve equal rights despite sexual identity, gender, race, abilities, etc. The curriculum states “All persons have the right and obligation to make responsible sexual choices.” OWL’s premise is that knowledge contributes to making responsible sexual choices and that sexual relationships (or relationships of any kind) should never be coercive or exploitative. The program affirms that all persons are sexual and sexuality is an important part of every human. One of the program’s assumptions is that it is healthier for young teens to postpone sexual intercourse. The program discusses assault, abuse, harassment, media messages and much more.

The Unitarian Universalist Church provides this information to youth with the hope that they will make informed and healthy decisions.  The OWL program aligns with our Guiding Principles which affirm “the inherent worth and dignity of every person”, promote “justice, equity and compassion in human relations”, and encourage “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.”

OWL facilitators are trained and sanctioned by the Unitarian Universalist Association. This program is offered in separate age-appropriate sessions, and while there are programs available for all ages from pre-school to older adults, our church currently offers programs for middle and high school aged youth, on alternating years. The curriculum is well researched and is presented in a variety of ways including discussion, activities, and opportunities to role play and practice communication skills and using appropriate terminology. The facilitators are currently planning for the next session in the fall which will be offered to high school students. If you are interested in finding out more about the OWL program and are interested in becoming a facilitator, please contact Carol Zimmerman, Director of Religious Education at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton at dre@uucantonny.org