In Religious Education 5.6.18

This Sunday our children will hear a story about many different types of families, hear the story “Five Little Fiends, consider the importance of strengthening community and working cooperatively with other people, finalize a project, continue exploring Islamic faith and road cleanup. 

Our RE Ambassador is Esther Katz. 

Nursery will be open and staffed by Coral Pondysh and TBA.  The children will hear “The Family Book” by Todd Parr. 

Spirit Play will hear the story “The Five Little Fiends”.  A violet principle story of the need to take care of the earth. 

Teachers: Sarah Bentley-Garfinkel and Maria Dickinson 

Moral Tales will explore the idea of strengthening community and working cooperatively with other people.  They will hear and act out an Aesop’s fable that uses a bundle of sticks to demonstrate the practical and spiritual strength gained by sticking together and more. 

Teachers: Ashley Clover and Jim Rudd 

Maker Space will send their book to the printer for production. If time permits, they will make plans for a bake sale with proceeds being given to the humane society.   

Teachers: Paul Siskind and Heather Rousell 

Neighboring Faiths will continue exploring Islamic faith traditions.  They will look at contemporary issues as well as the faith history. 

Teachers:  Mary Michalek and Helen Hutchinson 

Youth Group will clean up our Adopt-a-Highway section of Riverside Drive.  Please wear comfortable, closed toe footwear, bring appropriate clothing.  We will plan to go even in light rain but not a downpour or thunder storm.  

Advisors: TBA