Sunday Worship & Volunteers 5.27.18

Prince Gautama to Buddha: The Four Sights
The Rev. James Galasinski

Before Siddharta became the enlightened one, while still wealthy and destined to be a great king he saw four sights: an old person, a sick person, a dead body, and an ascetic. He encountered the suffering of all being yet saw a way out. Can we, despite the suffering that is all around us, have the spiritual nerve to proceed on the path of enlightenment?

Music: Theresa Witmer, Quartet Z
Worship Associate: Theresa Witmer
RE Ambassador: Shelby Hunkins
Greeters: Laura Foster, Roger & Helen Hutchinson, Jenelle Matthews
Social Hour Hosts: Rebecca & Tim Weld, JoAnn & Lowell McAllister
Collection Counters: Lonie Bogett, Will Siegfried