This Sunday in religious education, our children and youth will hear a story about questions, host social hour, continue promoting the GAYT program, explore Christianity and plan a sledding party for the congregation.
This Sunday our Acting DRE is Wil Rivers and our RE Ambassador is Anna Sorensen.
Nursery will be open and staffed by Linda Kenny, Dotty Hall and Coral Pondysh.
Spirit Play will hear the story “An Infinity of Questions – The Story of Maria Mitchell”, a sources story about the roots of our beliefs.
Teachers: Cara Coffin and Arthur Freeheart
Moral Tales will continue to explore generosity. They are hosting social hour this Sunday. Please be prepared to stay to help clean up.
Teachers: Ashley Clover and Eileen Raymond
Maker Space will continue exploring the UUSC program, Guest at Your Table. They will create promotional message for our church Facebook page, our weekly enews and our website.
Teachers: Heather Rousell and Carol Pynchon
Neighboring Faiths will start exploring Christianity as one of the foundations our UU faith.
Teachers: Jeff Frank and Desiree LeBoeuf
Youth Group will make plans for the church sledding party and for their first sleepover which may include tubing at Titus Mountain.
Advisors: Gabby Clover and TBA