Canvass Thanks!


THANK YOU for your incredible generosity, making possible the good work we will accomplish together in 2018. This year’s canvass was our most successful ever with over $250,000 committed, surpassing our $245,000 goal. Our collective response affirms our future direction; it provides Church Council with the confidence to move forward with revising our mission statement, celebrating 20 years as a Welcoming Congregation, and renewing this commitment, and expanding Our Whole Lives into a lifespan ministry. Our generosity has funded our commitment to being a Fair Share Congregation in 2018, eliminating the need for a separate drive in the spring.

THANK YOU to church members who hosted a Cottage Meeting, who facilitated a Cottage Meeting, and who canvassed individually, and to the Stewardship Committee for their dedication and efforts.

We are pleased to announce a final total of $250,467 from 128 units. Additional highlights:

  • 11% increase in commitments over last year
  • 55 individuals participated in Cottage Meetings
  • 8 family units who have moved from the North Country committed $8,650
  • average gift = $1,972
  • median gift = $1,000
  • 17 family units made commitments for the very first time totaling $8,228
  • 58 family units increased their commitments by $24,383 over what they gave last year
  • new commitments, increased commitments, and commitments from family units that gave in prior years but not last year totaled $30,933
  • 29 family units maintained last year’s giving level, totaling $50,150
  • 35 members volunteered to make this year’s canvass a success

Why all the statistics? Because from one year to the next circumstances change. People move away from the church – geographically or spiritually, people pass away, people experience a change in financial or health circumstance, or people have kids now in college. Our canvass takes everyone doing their part; new commitments from first-time donors, donors increasing contributions, donors who were not able to participate last year reactivating their giving, and donors maintaining their giving all working in harmony to achieve success. Thank you again for your incredible generosity.

Jenn Whittaker and Desiree LaBoeuf, 2018 Canvass Co-Chairs