Multigenerational Worship: Halloween
The Rev. James Galasinski & Carol Zimmerman, DRE
We have three saints pictured in our stained glass. We live in Saint Lawrence County. But what are saints exactly? In this multi-generational service all ages are invited to wear costumes and we will explore our heroes of faith. We’ll also feature scary music on the organ!
Worship Associate: Theresa Witmer
RE Ambassador: Todd Moe
Greeters: Jason Shirtz, Margaret & Bart Harloe, Claire Fargo, Milner Grimsled
Social Hour Hosts: Erika Barthelmess & Natalie Panshin, Sally Vrooman, Morolake Odetoyinbo & Kara McLuckie
Collection Counters: Valerie Ingram, Lorraine Olendzenski
Library Table: Arthur Freeheart