Environmental Action Committee UPDATE

The EAC continues to work to meet the expectations associated with our congregation’s status as a Green Sanctuary (GS). This designation requires that we increase awareness of the role of the environment and environmental justice in the UU faith and that we reduce the environmental footprint of our operations. We are making a difference!

As detailed in the annual GS progress report recently submitted to the UUA, the Green Sanctuary commitment is shared by many committees across our congregation. Efforts this past year ranged from replacing 100-W outdoor light bulbs with LEDs (B&G Committee), to making bird and bee houses (Religious Education Committee), to partnering with several area environmental groups to educate and advocate for change (Environmental Action and Social Action committees).

Please help us establish and implement our next projects to maintain this congregational commitment. New EAC members and ideas from anyone are welcome. Join us at the next EAC meeting, Sunday, September 18, at noon in the upstairs classroom. A light lunch will be served.

Sue Powers, Co-Chair, Environmental Action