Our New Minister is Called!

On Sunday, May 15, the members of our congregation voted unanimously to call the Reverend James Galasinski to be our new settled minister. Many thanks to photographer Tara Freeman for capturing the happiness and excitement of the day! Hearty congratulations to James, the Search Committee, and all of us!

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5 thoughts on “Our New Minister is Called!

  1. Thanks so much, Tara Freeman. These are stunningly beautiful photos of this very special day!

  2. Arthur says:

    Yes, thank you Tara! I especially like the shot of Miles and the childrens’ time action shot.

  3. Tammy Galasinski says:

    Congratulations to my cousin James. So very proud of you!

    Love Tammy Galasinski

  4. Louise Gerstle says:

    Your gain is our loss in Albuquerque! Be sure to have him play some jazz for you.
    Congratulations, James! I hope my son in Potsdam will come to hear you preach.

  5. Michael Martin says:

    James – So very glad that you were able to be our guest in the pulpit today at UCN Mequon. As a member of the UCN congregation it has been terrific to witness your growth. I am very happy for you to have this calling from UUC of Canton NY

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