If you love music, we need you!

The good news is that our new minister James Galasinski is a musician. The bad news is that Nelly Case is leaving as Music Director and we do not have anyone to replace her this year.

Don’t worry, it will not be a year of no music! We will have a guest organist once a month and on the other Sundays musicians from within our church and outside of it will add to the spoken words of the service

It will be a group effort of the Music Committee to make sure each Sunday has music. This is an important task and we need a few more volunteers on the committee. We’re looking for people who love music and who may know local musicians, but are not necessarily musicians themselves.

For this interim year volunteer on the Music Committee will have two or three Sundays throughout the year when they are responsible for the music for the service. We have a good stable of pianists in our church so it shouldn’t be difficult to find someone to play the hymns. The exciting part of this job will be working with the minister to work out themes and goals of each service and to find musicians to match those ideas.

Please consider joining the Music Committee for this special one-year commitment. Help us welcome our new minister by showing him the diversity of music and musicians in the North Country. Please contact me if you’re interested. Thanks.

Betsy Kepes, Music Committee Chair

2 thoughts on “If you love music, we need you!

  1. Esther Katz says:

    I would be interested to attend a meeting of the music committee.
    Please contact me.

  2. kathy Curro says:

    As someone who croaks an uncertain alto into her hymnal of a Sunday morning, I wouldn’t be of great help. However, James has spoken of reaching out to welcome students from area colleges. A good first step might be asking students to bring their music to our service.
    Also, there are local ensembles like the Canton Jazz band composed of individuals who might play singly or together, especially during the summer months. Within our congregation are some bright talents, too.
    Likely, you have considered all these ideas… Kathy

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