Spring Work Day

As luck would have it this year’s annual spring cleaning work day – Saturday, May 14, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. – will take place during Candidating Week, providing a perfect opportunity to demonstrate to ministerial candidate James Galasinski our commitment to our church.

The good news is a number of tasks have been completed, but we still have raking, weeding, edging, and mulching to finish. A thorough cleaning and reorganization of the block room is a priority. To sign up for the work day please use the online form or sign up with a B&G Committee member in the Social Room after Sunday services on May 1 and 8.

Many hands make short work so please sign-up…we can use all the help we can get.

Pete Beekman, Chair, Building & Grounds Committee

One thought on “Spring Work Day

  1. Jim Williams says:

    I will be there at 8 am

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