In Religious Education This Sunday 5.1.16

In religious education this Sunday, our children and youth will be hearing a story about color and emotions, examining different decision making processes, creating bluebird boxes for Indian Creek Nature Center, and dancing a Maypole.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is David Bradford.

Our Nursery will be open and staffed by Arthur Freeheart and Barbara Beekman.

Spirit Play will be hearing the rhyming story “My Many Colored Days” by Dr. Suess which describes each day in terms of a particular color which in turn is associated with specific emotions.

Teachers: Margaret Harloe, Tim Nolan

Signs of Our Faith will examine different methods of making group decisions, practice that decision making and learn about congregation’s governance system.  Details about this session

Teachers: Sue Powers, Pete Beekman

Toolbox of Faith will be utilizing real tools for a service project. They will be creating bluebird boxes for Indian Creek Nature Center and building a bee hotel for the Priest Field Garden. Details about this curriculum

Teachers: John Tyo, Pete Wyckoff

Building Bridges will be looking at aspects of Neo-Paganism and dancing a Maypole.  Details about this session

Teachers: Relani Prudhomme

Youth Group will be celebrating Beltane with the Building Bridges class by dancing a Maypole.

Advisors: Wendy Bachhuber, Dwight Stevenson