In Religious Education This Sunday 4.10.16

In religious education this Sunday, our children and youth will be hearing the story of Moses and the slavery in Egypt, continue to learn about stewardship, begin creation of a bee hotel, learn about the Religious Society of Friends and discussing communication and community .

Our Acting DRE and RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Esther Katz.

Our Nursery will be open and staffed by Janet Green and Debs Kalicin.

Spirit Play will hear the story “Passover Story”, a story of how Moses lead the Hebrews out of slavery from Egypt.

Teachers: Evelyn Barton, Bonnie Danis

Signs of Our Faith will be continuing their focus on stewardship and seeing themselves as generous people, with time, talent and possibly financial resources (treasure) they can share to help take care of the congregation.  Details about this session

Teachers: Carol Gable, Kate Whitehorne

Toolbox of Faith will be utilizing real tools for a service project. They will be creating bluebird boxes for Indian Creek Nature Center and building a bee hotel for the Priest Field Garden. Details about this session

Teachers: John Tyo, Miles Manchester

Building Bridges will be introduced to the core beliefs of the Religious Society of Friend, commonly known as Quakers.  Details about this session

Teachers: Sarah Bentley-Garfinkel, Will Seigfried

Youth Group will be discussing communication and finalizing plans for a field trip to Ottawa.

Advisors: David Bradford, Wendy Bachhuber