In Religious Education This Sunday 4.3.16

In religious education this Sunday, our children and youth will be hearing a story about planting trees, learning about stewardship, looking at courageous acts of faith, considering the popularity of Evangelical Christianity and discussing commitment and it’s impact on being in community.

Our Acting DRE and RE Ambassador for this Sunday is David Bradford.

Our Nursery will be open and staffed by Kevin Ball and Debs Kalicin.

Spirit Play will hear the story “The Planter of Trees”, a story from many faith traditions about an elder who decided to do something about the barren ground on earth.

Teachers: Sharon Tavernier, Bonnie Danis

Signs of Our Faith will be encouraged to see themselves as generous people, with time, talent and possibly financial resources (treasure) they can share to help take care of the congregation.  Details about this session

Teachers: Carol Gable, Kate Whitehorne

Toolbox of Faith will looking at courage and conviction and how early Universalist rode from town to town sharing their message of faith, hope and love.  The tool for this week is saddlebags.  Details about this session

Teachers: Lorraine Olendzenski, Ruth Baltus

Building Bridges will be considering the popularity of Evangelical Christianity and the ways this faith movement meets its followers’ needs.  Details about this session

Teachers: Sarah Bentley-Garfinkel, Will Siegfried

Youth Group will be discussing commitment and it’s impact on community as well as finalizing plans for a pizza party and attending the Canton High School play.

Advisors: Wendy Bachhuber