In Religious Education This Sunday 3.13.16

In religious education this Sunday, our children and youth will be hearing a story about taking care of planet Earth, planning a mini-worship service, reflecting on atonement, introduced to five faiths founded between 1830 and 1880 and participating in a youth con or chatting about current events.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Maria Dickinson.

Our Nursery will be open and staffed by Emily Dixon and Katie Boczarski.

Spirit Play will hear the story “The Tailor”, about a man who uses the resources around him wisely to care for our planet Earth.

Teachers: Evelyn Barton, Lois Cutter

Signs of Our Faith will be planning a 15 minute worship service around one of our 7 principles.  Details about this session

Teachers: Esther Oey, Becky VanDeWater

Toolbox of Faith will focus on the meaning of “at-one-ment” and explore the difficulty and sense of relief in acknowledging mistakes.  The tool for this week is the level. Details about this session

Teachers: Heather Rousell, Carol Pynchon

Building Bridges will be introduced to five faiths, Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Baha’i, Seventh-Day Adventists, Church of Christ Scientists and Jehovah’s Witnesses, that emerged between 1830 and 1880.  Details about this session

Teachers: Rhonda Rodriguez, Pat Glover

Youth Group will be participating in a youth con or hanging out and chatting about current events related to community.

Advisors: David Bradford, Laura Foster, Richard Cook