On Tuesday, March 15, Charlie Bradt will begin offering an eight-week, online course in Mindfulness and Mindful Meditation. Charlie has been teaching this for a few years now, though this is the first time he’s opened it to a wider audience. He will be teaching the course “live” in Sarasota, FL, and making audio recordings available the same day. The recordings will appear on the blog he has established ( to support this teaching. In addition to the weekly classes, he will also offer daily email messages reinforcing the teaching and offering specific “assignments” designed to help in the establishment of a regular meditation practice.

Take a look at Charlie’s blog, especially the menu item “Assumptions of Mindfulness,” to see if this might be of interest to you. The course starts March 15, but online students can proceed at their own pace. Charlie will be available for individual questions via email or phone as well.

There is no charge for the course. Please call or email the church office for Charlie’s contact information if you are interested.